From the recording Journey North (Revisited)

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Loss of a kingdom, in search of a king
Edward is coming and an army he brings
The Wallace will meet him
At Stirling they'll fight
The bridge is the answer
You know the tactics are right

The battle has started, the English attack
The mighty machine has got itself trapped
The cries and the shouting
The pain and the blood
Scots are the victors and the Wallace the rod

Lost in the fray now
They'll fight 'til they die
Peasants and farmers
With fire in their eyes
Their day is coming, let freedom begin
Loss of a kingdom in search of a king

The battle is over and the English have lost
Edward defeated, sends his troops North
To hunt down the Wallace, betrayed he is caught
Tortured and murdered, a legend is lost

Lost in the fray now
They'll fight 'til they die
Peasants and farmers
With fire in their eyes
Their day is coming, let freedom begin
Loss of a kingdom in search of a king